Laundry Room Renovation

As many of you know, I recently joined an exclusive club few millennials like myself are allowed to join; one known to baby boomers and older generations simply as "homeownership."  One of the things I was looking for when buying my home, probably as a result of too much HGTV and Pinterest, was a place with sweat equity.  I didn't want a turnkey because, quite frankly, I don't want to pay someone else the profit for work I can do on weekends, and because I have delusions of DIY grandeur.

So instead of flooding facebook, I'm going to share what I have learned and some of the things I've tried here.

We will skip over the sweat and tears of painting the whole house, mainly because it would make a boring blog post.  Suffice it to say I ended up taking the whole house from a beige [that looks fine in photos but read pink, dingy, and 1996 in real life] to a true white that is minimalist and allows for fun accent walls.

We started with the laundry room because the washer that was included leaked and Bob does approximately figuratively 30 loads of laundry weekly.

This is the before. The appliances are legal to drink.
Since everything in here is either old as dirt or rigged up in non-handyman-doing-the-honey-do-list fashion, I took to YouTube for some learning and then to Pinterest to get some inspiration.

We ended up doing the following:

  • Painted the side walls true white 
  • Painted the back wall with grey left over from our bedroom
  • Added some baskets I had from my last apartment. Don't even get Bob started on my basket addiction...
  • Put the supplies in bins according to how they are used
  • Self-installed the washer and dryer (I did the washer myself, we had an assist from my dad for the dryer)
  • "WASH" letters, $4 a pop from Michaels
  • Dollar Store and Pinterest printable art, total cost $2

We splurged on new high efficiency appliances with Energy Star so we can save money and get clean laundry. The homemade laundry soap (I will post that another time)  works like a dream in the new one.

Is it weird that I think the supplies need MORE organization? 

The whole project ended up costing about $960. including the new appliances and hoses. 

That's our laundry closet makeover. Let me know what you think!


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