B.U.G. (Bob's Urban Garden)

It's been a slow few days around the Hinton-Farrier house, project-wise. We took a nice trip to our friends over at the Denver Cat Company for some R+R and some kitten snuggles.

Over the last few days Bob has been putting a lot into the outside garden, and I thought I'd take this opportunity to show it to you... because I can. Also because I'm really proud of him. I'm like the Angel of Death of plants.

When we started out on this adventure, Bob began by collecting small water bottles that would have otherwise gone to waste. Bob actually started back when he was still in the apartment.
I swear we aren't hoarders.
We then cut the bottles in half, planted seeds, watered a bit, and then Bob put the tops back on, and put them in sunlight.

This is the "before" shot. I felt like an insane person-- but hey, trying new things is good, right?
After awhile they sprouted and started to look more and more like plants.
Bobby Plant-le-seed?
When we moved in, we moved everything outside and Bob supplemented with some seedlings he bought at various garden stores.

And we went from trash, to this:
Tomato nearing harvest-ready. The five I already inhaled ate were delicious.

Mint and Zucchini, odd bedfellows, but they like it I guess.
It's taking all my willpower not to pick the squash blossoms and throw them in pasta like a hipster.

These are Bob's pride and joy - Peppers and lettuce.
Is this witchcraft? I think it's witchcraft.

These grew from apples I bought at the grocery store!!!

Even the kitties enjoy some fresh greens in the form of cat grass.
Also Etoile thinks she's a panda-cow.
The 90+ degree heat requires some frequent watering, but all in all, I'd say Bob is doing a damn fine job.
Garden corner in all it's glory.
If you want to follow Bob's adventures and tutorials, hop on over to Bob's Youtube where he'll be posting his gardening stuff. He also posts his video game stuff there, but I'll post a link to the specific channel once he gets it all set up.

That's all for now. See you next time!


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